Meet The TeamNon classé

For this employee portrait, we interviewed Matteo ZACCHIGNA, Product Manager. This portrait is part of the series #MeetTheTeam.



What’s your background within Kersia?


I started with the company in February 2004 immediately after the graduation as sales person in my home region (Friuli Venezia Giulia), where developed my experience in the market. A few years on and I was promoted as Area Sales Manager for North-Eastern region, managing a team of sales people in the dairy market.

In line with growth of the company, I embarked on a new challenge: taking the newly created job of Product Manager for the Italian market. This was an opportunity for me to acquire new skills and support the development of the Farm Business Unit.

Currently the company has given me the extra challenge to develop the Pig & Poultry market, a promising new business.


How would you describe your role in 3 words?


Proactiveness, resilience, creativity.


Talk us through a day in the life of a Product Manager at Kersia.


Every day is a new and different challenge. It’s never boring! One day I could be on the field talking to customers, the following I could be in discussions about new product launches with the marketing department, the R&D and the regulatory affairs.

But I could also be speaking with vets or nutritionists about Kersia solutions; or delivering training to our sales network. In all cases my efforts are focused on building new sales arguments, creating opportunities and implementing strategies for our sales teams.


What do you like most about your job?


The job of the product manager is fantastic: it is a crossway linking the corporate with the local commercial teams.

This role needs a cross-functional approach because it requires cooperation with several departments, i.e., Regulatory affairs, R&D, marketing and commercial teams; and the ability to find the compromise that is technically and commercially viable. I like it because it requires autonomy, dedication, expertise and customer focus.


Why join Kersia?


Because Kersia understands one’s abilities and ambitions. This is very important for someone like me who loves new challenges… and after 18 years in the company this is not so obvious!  Kersia constantly permits me to learn and grow.

During these years both Kersia and me have evolved: Kersia is a stronger group, and my hair are getting grey, but both are enthusiastic and look forward to new challenges.



We would like to thank Matteo for this interview!

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