Kersia is a global leader in biosecurity and food safety with value added products and solutions to prevent diseases or contamination in both animal and humans at every stage of the food supply chain :
- For Food processing industry addressing mainly milk transformers, meat-producers and ready-meal producers.
- For Farming essentially on the dairy segment (udder hygiene products, milking machines products, etc.) and more recently on the pig & poultry segment as well as on the animal feed dietary/complements products, and aerial surface disinfection.
- For Healthcare providing emergency water purification in disaster zones and surface disinfection in hospitals.
Our objective
To improve the technical and economic performance of customers by offering them more and more responsible solutions thus ensuring food safety.
Our market
is driven by higher safety standards including epidemic prevention, strategies for reducing antibiotics use as well as traceability and productivity requirements.
Food you can trust
From farm to fork, food safety is today the #1 concern within the food sector. With the emergence of new sources and forms of contamination, the immunization of certain bacterial sources and the desire to move away from the use of antibiotics, pesticides and chemical preservatives, the challenges are immense. Preventing risks associated with the transmission of bacteria, viruses and other pathogens to operators and to consumers is the primary concern throughout the food chain. Everyone involved – farmers, veterinarians, suppliers to the farm industry, food processing plant operators, retailers…- has a stake and a responsibility in the safe production and processing of food. Failure at any stage means putting the life of consumers and staff at risk. Failure can have disastrous short and long-term consequences for a business. Failure can engage the personal legal responsibility of managers and staff.
Inventing solutions for tomorrow
Everyone involved in the food chain needs a business partner with the scientific expertise and field experience to deliver customized answers having identified the risks and critical control points. Food safety is our core field of expertise, recognized all over the world. Our products and services prevent disease and contamination in both animals and humans. Our global solutions approach delivers food and farm biosecurity. They are constantly reinvented and optimized from the sharing of results obtained on the ground and the findings of our R&D efforts, to guarantee full compliance with new regulations. We offer unique skills based on deep-rooted science developed globally and twinned with an empirical approach at local level to tailor our proposals to individual needs. We improve farm performance and add value to the food industry.
Most-trusted partner for food safety
100% dedicated to food safety, we intend to lead the way as the world benchmark operator and most trusted partner to our customers. Helping our clients solve today’s food safety issues is not enough. Enabling them to stay one step ahead will be our ongoing goal, both at a local and a global level. Focused on the future, we will help them anticipate changes with innovative and far-sighted solutions that improve consumer and operator safety, preserve their company’s reputation and boost the sustainable performance of their business.
Our highly committed employees are passionate about our mission and take pride in its noble objective. Exclusively focused on this ambition and supported by an engaged shareholder, we will devote all our resources, energy, regulatory and R&D effort to food safety. We are convinced that this is the best road to create value for all of our stakeholders (end-consumers, clients, public authorities, employees, shareholders…) and for society as a whole.
Food you can trust
From farm to fork, food safety is today the #1 concern within the food sector. With the emergence of new sources and forms of contamination, the immunization of certain bacterial sources and the desire to move away from the use of antibiotics, pesticides and chemical preservatives, the challenges are immense. Preventing risks associated with the transmission of bacteria, viruses and other pathogens to operators and to consumers is the primary concern throughout the food chain. Everyone involved – farmers, veterinarians, suppliers to the farm industry, food processing plant operators, retailers…- has a stake and a responsibility in the safe production and processing of food. Failure at any stage means putting the life of consumers and staff at risk. Failure can have disastrous short and long-term consequences for a business. Failure can engage the personal legal responsibility of managers and staff.
Inventing solutions for tomorrow
Everyone involved in the food chain needs a business partner with the scientific expertise and field experience to deliver customized answers having identified the risks and critical control points. Food safety is our core field of expertise, recognized all over the world. Our products and services prevent disease and contamination in both animals and humans. Our global solutions approach delivers food and farm biosecurity. They are constantly reinvented and optimized from the sharing of results obtained on the ground and the findings of our R&D efforts, to guarantee full compliance with new regulations. We offer unique skills based on deep-rooted science developed globally and twinned with an empirical approach at local level to tailor our proposals to individual needs. We improve farm performance and add value to the food industry.
Most-trusted partner for food safety
100% dedicated to food safety, we intend to lead the way as the world benchmark operator and most trusted partner to our customers. Helping our clients solve today’s food safety issues is not enough. Enabling them to stay one step ahead will be our ongoing goal, both at a local and a global level. Focused on the future, we will help them anticipate changes with innovative and far-sighted solutions that improve consumer and operator safety, preserve their company’s reputation and boost the sustainable performance of their business.
Our highly committed employees are passionate about our mission and take pride in its noble objective. Exclusively focused on this ambition and supported by an engaged shareholder, we will devote all our resources, energy, regulatory and R&D effort to food safety. We are convinced that this is the best road to create value for all of our stakeholders (end-consumers, clients, public authorities, employees, shareholders…) and for society as a whole.
Kersia around the world
Our values
Stabiliamo delle relazioni a lungo termine, assumendo un atteggiamento di apertura, etico ed equo. In un settore che si trova ad affrontare problemi sanitari e di conformità, le persone si fidano di noi poiché teniamo fede alla parola data.
To believe food is safe, consumers demand total transparency.
Impariamo e compiamo progressi dall’esperienza di consumatori, colleghi e partner. Comunicare onestamente tra persone con esperienze diverse ci aiuta a sviluppare nuove soluzioni e a fare la differenza.
Open culture is the secret to progress.
Coinvolgiamo con entusiasmo i nostri clienti per identificare i problemi e concentrarci sulle loro esigenze al fine di trovare la giusta soluzione. Produciamo risultati affidabili e prestazioni complete mobilizzando tutte le nostre migliori competenze e talento tecnico.
Biosecurity needs an integrated approach to analyse and manage risks.
Anticipiamo costantemente il cambiamento trasformazionale. Pensiamo “fuori dagli schemi” quando dobbiamo affrontare nuove sfide. È insito nella nostra natura innovare e dedicarci al nostro lavoro con opzioni nuove e sostenibili.
Food safety is challenged everyday by new and often unpredictable issues.
Stabiliamo delle relazioni a lungo termine, assumendo un atteggiamento di apertura, etico ed equo. In un settore che si trova ad affrontare problemi sanitari e di conformità, le persone si fidano di noi poiché teniamo fede alla parola data.
To believe food is safe, consumers demand total transparency.
Impariamo e compiamo progressi dall’esperienza di consumatori, colleghi e partner. Comunicare onestamente tra persone con esperienze diverse ci aiuta a sviluppare nuove soluzioni e a fare la differenza.
Open culture is the secret to progress.
Coinvolgiamo con entusiasmo i nostri clienti per identificare i problemi e concentrarci sulle loro esigenze al fine di trovare la giusta soluzione. Produciamo risultati affidabili e prestazioni complete mobilizzando tutte le nostre migliori competenze e talento tecnico.
Biosecurity needs an integrated approach to analyse and manage risks.
Anticipiamo costantemente il cambiamento trasformazionale. Pensiamo “fuori dagli schemi” quando dobbiamo affrontare nuove sfide. È insito nella nostra natura innovare e dedicarci al nostro lavoro con opzioni nuove e sostenibili.
Food safety is challenged everyday by new and often unpredictable issues.