Allevamento di suini e pollame

2021-2022 – largest seasonal epidemic ever in Europe of Avian influenza

According to EFSA’s (European Food Safety Authority), 2021-2022 was the season with the largest number (around 5,300) of reported cases of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in poultry, captive and wild birds in 36 EU/EEA countries and the UK. Almost 2400 detections in domestic poultry caused a culling of 46 million birds.

More than half of the outbreaks in poultry farms in Europe were due to secondary spread, from infected poultry to other poultry farms.1)

But what can be done to prevent your farm from being affected in the future?


Preventive actions and biosecurity measures are essential!


Increased vigilance, training and targeted biosecurity measures enhance your chances to avoid a HPAI outbreak at your farm. It is essential to ensure the protection of the animals with regards to all the external sources and entrants – by means of limiting access and if not possible, by means of a secured access by following strict biosecurity measures:


  • Control of access to buildings (visitors, staff…): use of personal protective equipment to access livestock buildings – Cleaning and Disinfection procedures.
  • Limiting the arrival of external vehicles on site including those used for the transport of animals. Apply Cleaning and Disinfection procedures for vehicles in any case.
  • Improvement of building maintenance, pest control, rodent control
  • Improvement of Cleaning and Disinfection procedures on all surfaces of buildings and equipment and the environment in general.
  • Monitoring of supplies entering the premises (food, water…),
  • Monitoring animal health (abnormal signs or symptoms…)


Strict biosecurity measures and good hygiene practices are crucial!


Kersia is committed to supporting poultry farms through offering complete and comprehensive and tested biosecurity products and solutions, through our ‘‘Cleaning, Disinfection and Protection Programs”.



A good and deep cleaning of equipment and surfaces ensure the best possible condition for disinfection.

Use our proven alkaline cleaners ULTRAFOAM, ECOFOAM ADVANCED or AGAFOAM B for the effective removal of organic load. Depending on the hardness of the water, we recommend regular use with an acidic cleaner such as  FOAM ACID or DUAL ACID to remove limescale.




A successful disinfection is the elimination of micro-organisms through a proven disinfectant with the right spectrum of activity, applied at the correct dilution rate and an adequate contact time.

The following Kersia disinfectants have been tested successfully against Avian Influenza Virus: VIREX, FUMAGRI EFFISAFE, HYPRED FORCE 7, VIROSHIELD, HPPA, VIROBACTER, KILCOX EXTRA and FUMAGRI OPP


Product Test Method Concentration Degrees Contact time FBS (soiling)
VIREX EN 14675 1.50 % 4°C 30 min. 3 g/l BSA
EN14675 1.00% 10°C 30 min. 10 g/l BSA + 10 g/l yeast extract
FUMAGRI EFFISAFE EN 14675 0.50 % 10°C 30 min. 3 g/l BSA
EN 17122 0.20 % 10°C 30 min. 3 g/l BSA


EN 14675 0.50 % 4°C 30 min. 3 g/l BSA
1.00 % 10°C 5 min. 3 g/l BSA
VIROSHIELD EN14675 0.50 % 10°C 30 min. 3 g/l BSA
HPPA EN 14675 1.00 % 10°C 30 min. 3 g/l BSA
VIROBACTER EN 14675 0.75 % 10°C 30 min. 3 g/l BSA
EN 17122 0.50 % 10°C 30 min. 3 g/l BSA
KILCOX EXTRA EN 14675 2.00 % 10°C 30 min. 3 g/l BSA
Product Test Method Application Degrees Contact time Conducted on
Fumagri OPP NFT 72-281 0,8g/m³ 20°C 5 hours AI Virus type A (H9N2)





Once the building is clean, it is essential to prevent micro-organisms from re-entering and contaminating clean buildings and equipment through comprehensive Biosecurity measures.

Boot Disinfection & Hand Disinfection:

Disinfecting boots when entering and leaving the sheds together with good hand hygiene procedures are essential to prevent the entrance pathogens through your personnel or visitors.

Providing options to clean and disinfect boots and hands is the key to success. Make it easy to access hand washing appliances and offer good quality, pH-neutral and dermatologically tested wash lotion such as

SOFTY TOUCH for the personnel or visitors entering your shed.

Foot baths with VIREX or FUMAGRI EFFISAFE and hand disinfection dispensers containing disinfectants such as DISINFECTANT GEL, DISINFECTION LOTION or ORLIN SUPRADES HD are essential prevention measures and should be placed at any entrance or exit and at any cross points.


Vehicle Cleaning & Disinfection

In order to avoid spreading, it is vital to clean transport vehicles regularly, i.e. after each transport, with AGRIMAT or KLEENFLEET and to disinfect them with our proven disinfectants (see list of products tested against AI above). Great attention should be paid to the wheels of all vehicles, whether trucks, vans, feed suppliers, employees, or visitor cars – they all should be cleaned and afterwards disinfected with VIREX every time they enter or leave the site.



A great supportive solution for combating avian influenza is Fumagri OPP. It has been successfully tested against avian influenza viruses using the test method NFT 72-281 with an application of 0.8g m³ and can be used as a second disinfection, after the wet disinfection, for areas that are difficult to reach or for areas that are not suitable for wet disinfection. The use in the shed as a secondary disinfection, after the litter has been spread out aims to remove microorganisms which were introduced with the litter.


Structural Management

Next to hygiene measures, increased vigilance, improvement of building maintenance, pest and rodent control, monitoring of entrants and animal health, and training of your employees are essential measures to prevent the entrance of AI to your farm.


Avoidance is better than cure!


For more information, please refer to the PDF document “Kersia – Avian Influenza Solutions”.

If you have any questions, please contact your local expert or use the contact form on our website.



Disinfectants are regulatory biocides. They have guarantees of efficiency and protection of human, animals and the environment.
Use biocides safely. Before use read the label and product information. Dangerous. Comply with precautions for use.



1) Source: