Le mani

Dear All,


Like you and a lot of citizens around the world, we are all living an exceptional and unprecedented situation. Like you, we are doing our best to adapt to this unique and rapidly changing environment. Kersia’s hygiene and disinfectant solutions are vital in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic now affecting the entire population throughout the world. This is why, in all countries, Kersia has been designated as one of the companies “essential to the well-being of the nation”. Every day we are mobilized to stay true to our mission:  “Inventing a food safe world”. Additionally, we supply the healthcare sector, providing differentiated solutions that contribute to the safety of medical workers and patients.

Today, I want to give you a quick summary of the measures taken on 3 priority fronts to ensure the continuation of our mission: 1) take care of people, 2) meet the extraordinary demand for our solutions, 3) answer questions and provide a complete information.

A Crisis Management Team (CMT) has been set up to constantly assess the situation in our subsidiaries and coordinate all actions in these 3 areas:

  • Take care of people: Ensuring the well-being of all the women and men in our group and preventing human-to-human transmission of the virus is our priority. Very early on, we have cancelled international trips, delayed visits of 3rd parties and started to deploy home-office solutions where and whenever possible.
  • Produce, allocate, deliver: demand for some key products (such as disinfectant based on alcohol) has exploded, with up to 30 times the standard demand during some weeks in March. Many Kersia facilities have increased their production with extra shifts, longer hours, the hiring of temporary workers…. Our teams are sparing no effort to solve tensions in our supply chain and in our delivery schedules, when confronted with suppliers’ shortages, bottlenecks and reinforced customs controls. I am very grateful to Kersia employees for their efforts, to all our customers for their trust and to all our partners for their support.
  • Respond to questions: Sharing and Transparency are 2 of our 4 values. We are committed to be fully transparent regarding the decisions of the Group, and to communicate as frequently as possible our latest information, guidelines and best practices. You will find many answers on https://www.kersia-group.com/newsroom, with our periodic Covid-19 Situation Reports. Contact Points are also listed country by country (see report dated March 18). Hand hygiene being the first bulwark against the propagation of the virus, we have also listed recommended disinfectants solutions for different surfaces and applications. Good practice rules are also graphically described and communicated to all our partners.

In this unprecedented times for our industry, I measure every day how our empowerment’s DNA is widely shared throughout the Group, for more pragmatism and efficiency, but also how crucial our mission is to people’s life. All Kersia women and men are doing their best to serve the planet.


Please do take care of yourself and of your loved ones.


Sébastien Bossard