Dairy Farming

Glycolac Udder Hygiene Range – a comprehensive new udder hygiene range formulated with glycolic and L(+) lactic acids, tailored for all udder hygiene applications. Infused with cosmetic-grade ingredients, Glycolac not only ensures effective disinfection but also promotes optimal skin health.


Due to their similar structure and mode of action as AHAs, L(+) lactic acid and glycolic acid work synergistically to ensure effective disinfection. Lactic acid provides hydrating properties, while glycolic acid offers exfoliating benefits, both targeting the upper layers of the epidermis. 

Additionally, they are readily biodegradable according to OECD 301 test and do not persist in the environment*, making them environmentally friendly choices. 




A complete program to cover your needs!


Glycolac Foam

An innovative foaming disinfectant for teat preparation before milking

Glycolac Foam from Kersia is a udder Hygiene for Pre-Milking application

  • Qualitative foam : dense, covering and homogeneous for optimal preparation
  • Quick disinfection action with
    • bactericidal activity (EN 1656) in 30 seconds and
    • yeasticidal activity (EN 1657) in 1 minute
  • Enhanced in humectant, emollient and hydrating ingredients (glycerin, Aloe Vera)
  • Compatible with manual foaming cup or foaming automatons
  • Available in 20, 60, 215 and 1000 kg



Glycolac Spray

Innovative spraying solution for teat disinfection after milking

Glycolac Spray from Kersia is a udder Hygiene Spray for Post-Milking application

  • Disinfection achieved with
    • bactericidal activity (EN 1656) in 1 minute and
    • yeasticidal activity (EN 1657) in 5 minutes
  • Enriched in humectant, emollient and hydrating ingredients (glycerin, Aloe Vera)
  • Adapted with manual or automatic spraying applicators in milking parlour and milking robots
  • Light blue colour
  • Available in 20, 60, 220 and 1000 kg





Glycolac Duo

Innovative solution that adapts to all equipment and applications for teat disinfection

Glycolac Duo from Kersia is a udder Hygiene for Pre- and Post-Milking that cen be used as spray or foam application

  • One fit all solution: dual application and double use
  • Bactericidal and yeasticidal activities achieved at pre- & post-milking
    • Pre-milking:
      • bactericidal activity (EN 1656) = 30 seconds
      • yeasticidal activity (EN 1657) = 1 minute
    • Post-milking:
      • bactericidal activity (EN 1656) = 1 minute
      • yeasticidal activity (EN 1657) = 5 minutes
  • Enhanced in humectant, emollient and hydrating ingredients (glycerin, Aloe Vera)
  • Adapted with manual or automatic applicators in milking parlour (foam and spray) and milking robots
  • Light blue colour
  • Available in 20, 60, 220 and 1000 kg


Glycolac Film

An innovative barrier film for teat disinfection after milking

Glycolac Film from Kersia is a udder Hygiene for Post-Milking application and barrier effect

  • Recommended in risky situations seeking for sphincter physical protection (barrier effect) associated with disinfection
    • bactericidal (EN 1656) in 1minute and
    • yeasticidal (EN 1657) in 5 minutes
  • Long-term filming until the next milking
  • Combination of skin conditioning ingredients (glycerine, propylene glycol, lanolin derivative and Aloe Vera)
  • Blue-green dye for good visibility – do not stain the udder
  • Available in 22, 60, 220 and 1000 kg





👉  Want to known more, contact your local Kersia distributor or Kersia (https://www.kersia-group.com/contact/)


* Lactic acid not bioaccumulative  according to OECD 301 test